Have you been trying to turn your passion into your own business so you can break free from your 9-5? Only right now, you are feeling frustrated, overwhelmed & as the experts say "stuck in analysis paralysis?" Don't worry, you're not alone! In fact I literally just got off a call with a client who was feeling EXACTLY the same way before we started working together! On our first call she shared with me the long term vision she had for her business, where she was currently at & what she felt was holding her back... Her response was "Lou, after spending hours of Google, reading all the free guides I could possibly get my hands on, asking for help in Facebook groups & getting help from over hundred women, I don't understand what I'm doing, I don't understand what anyone is telling me & I am going to get a "real job" because I clearly don't know what I am doing & I just give up!" Now, this isn't the first time I have heard this story... & I know it won't be the last because what this lovely lady was experiencing is the SAME for EVERYONE who ever thought about starting a business, realised they had NO IDEA what they were doing & thought they could do it all alone with the help of Dr. Google IF this sounds like you & you'd like to discover how in the space of ONLY 40 minutes my client went from hating her business & wanting to shut up shop to turning it around & feeling EXCITED about the future, then keep on reading! Below you will discover THREE "I wish I knew BEFORE I borrowed 30k to start a business that left me homeless" Hot Tips to gaining CLARITY on the business you want to create, the ACTION you need to take to get there AND start attracting PAYING clients TODAY!
Hot Tip #1 Like many, I am 100% guilty of getting distracted by all the bright & shiny objects. Following people who I perceive to be more "successful" than me & then trying to absorb all of the content that is put in front of my face through my own research & online marketing HOWEVER the more I read, the more & more confused I got. Like my client above I was left feeling like a failure & ready to walk away. UNTIL... BEFORE you start worrying about what every one else is doing & focusing on everything you need to know in order to start taking action, you need to put those horse blinkers on and ask YOURSELF what you want to create in your life & HOW your business is going to be part of that plan Here are some example questions - What do I want my lifestyle to look like in 5 years time? - Who do I want to be spending my time with? - Do I have an office or do I work from home? - Do I want flexible working arrangements so I can work from anywhere in the world? - Do I want to start a business where I can go away on a holiday, put my out of office on & not worry about what time I need to post for Facebook or Instagram? - Do I have a family? - Do I want to have a business that works around my partner/kids? etc. etc. etc. Once you are SUPER clear the lifestyle you are CHOOSING to create, it becomes much easier to gain clarity on the business you are CHOOSING to create to match your LIFESTYLE goals! Hot Tip #2 Hands up who is SUPER excited about the future & the amazing LIFESTYLE you are creating for yourself/family/puppy dogs! Now it's time to ask questions about HOW to create your dream business to MATCH those goals (NOT how to create a lifestyle that works around your business) Like the above, it's time to ask yourself some questions... Here's some examples to get your creative juices fllooowwwwwiiingggggggg.. - What do I want my business to look like in 5 years times? - What income do I want my business to be generating? - How much do I want to sell my product/service for? - Am I creating a business that requires a physical location where I meet with clients OR am I creating a business that is online OR am I creating both - If I am creating both a physical & online business, what needs my attention & energy first? - How do I want my marketing to be? Do I want to be attending physical networking events every week... do I want to be marketing online or do I want to do a mixture of BOTH? - How do I want my reputation to be in my industry? - What do I want my clients to be saying about their experience with my product/service - How do I want to make my clients feel? Hot Tip #3 It's time to TAKE ACTION!! I don't necessarily mean you need to get on your Facebook Live & announce to the world that you're starting your own business (but you have my full encouragement to do that!) What I mean is that it's time to discover what you already know about YOU as the amazing lady boss you are & what you need to work on to ensure that you're not burning cash in areas of your business that aren't urgent nor will they bring you a return on your investment straight away So, you're final questions to ask go something like this... - What do I need to turn my passion into my own business that is ALIGNED to my values & dreams.... - "What are my personal strengths,weaknesses,opportunities,threats? - How do I focus on my weaknesses & opportunities to ensure I turn these into strengths? - Who do I need to talk to to help me? - Where I can I find the people/resources I require to help me start taking physical action, implementing basic business foundations, start marketing & turning potential clients into PAYING clients? It is only NOW that I recommend you go forth & jump on Dr. Google researching the areas in business that you DON'T know! Or Start asking questions in Facebook Groups (or similar) as to what you need to know, if anyone can help you or what/who you need to invest in to learn the things you don't already know! Once you have the answers to your questions, PROCESS, create a PLAN and STICK TO IT! There is no need to continue to question if you are following the right E-guide, Marketing Strategy or Coach. It's time to TRUST yourself & COMMIT to the strategy & potential person you have chosen to work with. Have faith that you have asked yourself all the RIGHT questions from the START. Created your OWN goals based on YOUR VALUES & sourced the right tools & people to help you along the way. It's time to put your big girl pants on & let's do this!