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We are so excited to meet you at our

LIVE workshop!

What You Need To Do Next

1, 2, 3... In commmiinngggggg!!!

On it's way to you right now will be your THANK YOU email! 
It is super important that you receive & read this as it has your receipt for payment, details for the day & our emergency contact numbers in case you need to reach us out of hours!

In the next 24-48 hours Louise will be calling to say "Ola!", introduce herself & discover more about where you're at with starting or growing your business.


Louise does this to ensure that she has a full understanding of the attendees PRIOR to the Live Workshop & ensure that she caters all of the content of the day to those in the room

If you don't receive anything, please email so she can check it out!

  • Instagram Social Icon

If you don't already follow us already on The Gram, click on 'Come Play With Me On Instagram. From here you will be redirected to my feed where we share smok'n hot tips & tricks.. with LOADS of FUN of course!

"That's It Folks" - It's time to get EXCITED & prepare to have some FUN!!!!
We can't wait to hear more about you, your business & officially Kick Start Your Start Up!

Need Help?

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