Are You Ready To Turn An Idea Into Your Own Business & Start Transitioning Out Of Your 9-5?
How amazing would you feel right now IF you, yes YOU, decided to take that dream of yours & make it real?
You know, that dream where you take something that you LOVE so much, maybe even CHANGED your life & turn it into your own business so you can help others the same way your passion has helped you!
Only instead of taking ACTION you feel overwhelmed, confused & ultimately stuck.
There's an endless record playing in your head, "What if I fail?", "What will others think of me?", "I want to, but I don't know what I'm doing so how could this possibly happen?"...
But here's the thing.... YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!
I have been there, my clients have been there, in fact, it's even likely some of your friends are there right now too!
But the good news is, that just like the Oprah Winfrey's & Brene Brown's before you, YOU too can breakthrough & start creating the business & LIFE you truly deserve.
All it takes is a cup of courage, a tablespoon of commitment & an limitlessness amount of love.
Doesn't sound so scary right?!?
So lovely, NOW is the time for you to make shit happen because let's be honest, if you don't... then who will?
So, let's do this!
What is The Kick Start Your Start Up Program?
The Kick Start Your Start Up Program is an accelerated business course that will guide you through each step Louise took to start her own business & take it to profit within 9 months & 5 figures in under 3 years whilst also ensuring you have FUN!
Louise has been investing time & money in personal development with sports & registered psychologists, coaches & mentors since her early teens. She has truly dedicated her life to understanding human behaviour, mindset & business strategies to not only empower her own life but those she connects & works with along the way.
The Kick Start Your Start Up Program entails many of Louise's key life learnings; Tested & Award Winning Business Strategies whilst ensuring her community of inspirational women remained focused on balance across all areas of life as they take action towards growing their businesses & creating their dream lifestyle.
The Kick Start Your Start Up Program will not only provide you with simply steps to grow your business both face to face as well as harnessing the power of social platforms such as Facebook, Instagram & LinkedIn but also offers weekly accountability & live training inside our secret Facebook Group; Lifetime access to the membership portal (as well as any future upgrades); A supportive online community with like-minded women on their start up journey as well as monthly, personalised goal setting & business planning with either Louise or a member of her team
What Results You Will Achieve From Our Program
Results, Results, Results!
- Kick Start Your Start Up the right way, ensuring you have massive business growth & long term success that YOU design!
Structure & Systematization
- Implement systems into your business & marketing to ensure you no longer repeat the same mundane tasks day in day out & instead spend more time focusing on the things & people that you love
Long Term Business Strategy
- Know the strategy to get your business on track for 6 figures & the plan to have you walking away from your boring 9-5 FOREVER!
Visibility & be seen as a leader in your Industry
- Overnight you will go from a dreamer to an expert in your field, creating opportunities for massive growth with like-minded industry leaders
Support, Connection & Accountability
- Starting your own business can be challenging & no matter how much those around you love & support you, they won't always "get it". In this program you will surrounded by amazing women who are always on hand to offer their support & build lifelong friendships
Confidence & Certainty
- Have absolute certainty that you can walk into any situation, connect & attract your dream clients - meaning your confidence sky rockets, results show up effortlessly & you have an internal fulfilment of personal success!
How Do You Get There?
Personalised, one on one guidance & an empowering strategy to follow & implement each week!
Everything in our program has be specifically designed to give you the exact strategy on how to turn your passion for coaching or healing into your own business. Getting it on track to say good bye to your boring "job" forever!
You will discover how to take your business online whilst ensuring you are implementing the key elements to automate your business systems & marketing, leaving you more time to focus on the things in life that you love. As you complete our Business Accelerator Program you will gain clarity & have confidence that your vision of working in YOUR business FULL TIME is 100% achievable as well as know the steps to make this happen!
We give you lifetime access to the Membership Portal, where all the weekly lessons are stored (and regularly updated as new technology updates)
Option To Join The Kick Start Your Start Up Community Of Courageous Leaders Taking Responsibility For Their Lives & Empowering Those Around Them To Do The Same. Here You Will Connect Daily With Like-Minded Agents Of Change. Participating In Live Weekly Tutorials With Louise, A Safe Space To Share Your Wins, What You Learn & The Challenges You Face To Ensure You Feel Fully Supported Along Your Entrepreneurial Journey.
What Our Program Promises To Deliver
Individual Personalised Coaching
There is no one else on this earth that has your individual fingerprint, has your goals or knows your dreams! So why would this program not be catered to YOU?!?
Right from the very start, you will receive a personalised 'Empowerment' session to ensure you have complete clarity on your business goals & how you will achieve these during the program & beyond!
Yes, I know, sometimes life gets busy & we can feel overwhelmed! When it does, we have your back... Each week you will be kept on track to ensure you achieve your business goals
Online Membership Portal
Along with a tonne of personalised, one on one support, you will also gain lifetime access to the 'Kick Start Your Start Up' Members Only Training Portal. This is specifically designed in a sequence of step by step videos, training tutorials, worksheets & tasks to implement to not only ensure that you have set your business up for success right from the start, but also ensure that indulge in further connecting with yourself, your clients/customers & the long term vision for your business & your life!
The Kick Start Your Start Up Community
As they say, your vibe attracts your tribe & YOU have the option to join The Kick Start Your Start Up Community for additional Connection & Support
This program wouldn't be half the fun without making new friends, connecting with like-minded women AND be able to learn, grow & support others TOGETHER.
On day 1 you will be added to a secret Facebook group where you are encouraged to ask questions, reach out for support & share your inspiring journey with your fellow 'Kick Start' Tribe
Live Q & A Sessions
Turning your passion into your own business can be hard work!!
Therefore it's super important that no matter what, each week you find the time to reflect, share & feeling supported on your journey.
Every week there is a LIVE Q & A session where the 'Kick Start' community comes together to celebrate, learn & inspire each other whilst also have the opportunity to ask your questions to The Live What You Love Coaching Team
Who Is It For?
Bad Ass Boss Ladies Who Are Ready To Turn Their Idea Into Their Own Business & Start Creating A Life Living Their Purpose!
Courageous, Heart-Centred Leaders Who Want To Make A Difference In This World But Get Distracted By The Bright & Shiny Objects. Those Who Need More Clarity, Certainty & Confidence To Take Charge & Be The Change They Want To See In The World
Super Busy Women! For The Women Out There Who Need More Hours In Their Day & Want A Solution To Fast Tracking Their Business Without Having To Take All The Paths That Lead To Dead Ends BEFORE They Get It Right!
Personal Development Junkies, Travel Addicts & Taco Lovers That Know There Must Be More To Life Than Spending It In A Job That Doesn't Light Their Soul On Fire & Are Ready To Take A Leap Of Faith In Search Of Answers
Any Woman Who Believes We All Have The Opportunity To Create A Life Of Freedom, Leaving A Legacy To Her Kids &/Or Those Around Us